Frequently Asked Questions

Applicant FAQ:
Q- How do I apply for a job at Tuskegee University?
A- Tuskegee University accepts applications for positions during their open posting period. A listing of available positions is available on our website under "Job Listings" .

Q- Do I have to complete a new application form for each position?
A- Yes, Tuskegee University's process is designed to allow you to apply for specific positions by completing separate applications.

Q- Where can I get a Tuskegee University application form?
A- Tuskegee University's application is available in the Office of Human Resources Management, which is located at 101 Kresge Center. Our application is also available in the Alabama Career Center located at 2300 Fredrick Rd in Opelika. Additionally, you may download an application from our website under "Application" or contact our office at (334) 727-8510.

Q- What is considered a complete application?
A- A complete application consists of a Tuskegee University job application, a transcript and three letters of reference or references (depending on what the position announcement specifies).

Employee FAQ:
Q- What do Tuskegee University employees receive as benefits ?
A- A host of benefits are offered to our employees. You can get a full view of our benefits offered, rates, and details through our Employee Benefits webpage.

Q- How do we get employment updates?
A- University announcements and employment updates come in the form of “E-blasts” to your University email address. PLEASE DON’T IGNORE THEM!  (Give all announcements an overview to be sure you aren’t missing important, employee related information)

Q- How am I paid when my employment ends?
A- At the end of employment, your pay received at the end of that month is your final salary payment, as monthly pay is prorated due to payroll entry dates. for hourly wage employees, your final time sheet submission is paid out during your normal payroll cycle. The exception is vacation payout. Vacation payout is included in an employee’s final payroll deposit if paperwork was submitted in a timely manner. If not, vacation payout is deposited the following payroll cycle unless special circumstances permit an earlier transaction.

Q- How long do my benefits last once my employment ends?
A- Benefits are effective until the last day of the month your employment ends. An extension of certain benefits is available through COBRA. Please contact/visit HR for assistance with this process.