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Tuskegee University launches coronavirus resources microsite

March 05, 2020

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Contact: Michael Tullier, APR, Office of Communications, Public Relations and Marketing

Tuskegee University has launched a coronavirus resources microsite with the aim of keeping students, parents, employees and its community partners informed of its response to mounting concerns about the spread of COVID-19.

The site,, will provide updates on measures the university is taking following the guidance it receives through collaborations with the Macon County Health Department, Alabama Public Health Department and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“The spread of the coronavirus and the overall health of our campus community is a growing concern for all of us,” said Dr. Ruby L. Perry, the university’s acting president and an immunologist by training. “While there are no confirmed cases anywhere in Alabama, the timing of our spring break along with the announcement of new cases throughout the United States underscores the seriousness with which we must take this emerging health situation.”

To guide the university’s leadership, Perry commissioned a Community Health Task Force comprised of campus administrators and subject-matter experts who will monitor the disease’s spread and implement best-practice recommendations received from state and federal agencies.

In a March 5 email to students and employees, Perry advised that vigilant personal hygiene practices — chief among those being frequent hand washing with soap and water — is the most effective prevention method. In addition, she advised that students and employees who believe they may have contracted the coronavirus to recognize the symptoms, isolate themselves from others, and seek medical guidance.

“If illness prevents students from attending classes or employees from reporting for work, the university will work with instructors, deans and supervisors to provide accommodations,” Perry noted.

In addition, Tuskegee is observing U.S. State Department and CDC travel restriction recommendations to mitigate health risks to its students and employees. Students and employees with concerns about how those travel restrictions may impact their study abroad or professional travel during spring break or the coming months should contact the university’s Office of International Education and Development or their  supervisors.

For additional information and future updates, visit

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