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Graduate Program in Animal & Poultry Sciences

The Animal and Poultry Sciences section of the Department of Agricultural Sciences provides qualified students with the opportunity to obtain a Master of Science degree in Animal and Poultry Nutrition, Animal and Poultry Breeding as well as Animal and Poultry Physiology.


APSC 0501. INTERNATIONAL ANIMAL AGRICULTURE. 2nd Semester, even years. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Emphasis will be placed on all domestic species, utilizing tropical forages, grains and feed, international animal production and marketing systems. Specific projects on lesser developed countries will be studied.

APSC 0503. PHYSIOLOGY OF Reproduction. 1st Semester. Lect. 2, Lab 3, 3 credits. Study of sex determination to include differentiation of the gonads and the secondary sex organs. Anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive tract, the endocrinology of reproductive phenomena, fertilization, gestation, parturition lactation, sperm physiology, artificial insemination, and factors influencing reproductive performance. Prerequisites: Senior or Graduate Students only; BIOL 305.

APSC 0505. ISSUES IN WILDLIFE ECLOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. 1st semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Introduction to wildlife and conservation issues; relationships between humans and nature; exploration of current threats of species and habitats and novel solutions to these threats.

APSC 0521. MOLECULAR AND IMMUNOGENETlCS. 2nd Semester (odd years). Lect. 3, Lab 3, 3 credits. Principles of immunology as applied to genetics with emphasis on genetic control of cellular antigens, individual variation blood groups and disease transplantation and tolerance, immunogenetics in reproduction and differentiation and concepts of antibody formation. Prerequisite: Minimum of 15 credit hours of Biological Sciences to include genetics.

APSC 540. ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Introduction to scientific and technical understanding of animal biotechnology, commercial and ethical aspects of the biotechnology industry, moral and ethical issues that face biotechnologist, legislators and the general public. Concepts of the potential effect of animal biotechnology on urban and rural communities, potential advantages or threats of biotechnology and their impact on animal agriculture are presented.

APSC 0550. ADVANCED ANIMAL BREEDING AND QUANTITATIVE GENETICS. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Emphasis will be placed on the study of forces that change genetic composition of biological populations, and the scientific application of principles of quantitative genetics in the development of breeding programs for animal and plant improvement. Prerequisite: EVSC 0500.


APSC 600. ADVANCED REPRODUCTIVE PHYSIOLOGY. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 3, 4 credits. This course presents material associated with recent advances in research mammalian reproduction to include: application of bio-technology and embryo transfer. Students will be required to conduct an approved research problem during the semester. Prerequisite: APSC 0503.

APSC 0602. RUMINOLOGY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 0, 3 credits. The nutrition of ruminants as contrasted to nonruminants; with special emphasis on rumen physiology, nutrient absorption, and the role of rumen micro-organisms in feed utilization. Prerequisite: APSC 0520.

APSC 0603. ADVANCED ANIMAL AND POULTRY NUTRITION. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, Lab 0, 3 credits. The nutrition of nonruminant animals and methods of design used in nutritional research. Prerequisite: APSC 0520.

APSC 0604. GRADUATE SEMINAR IN ANIMAL SCIENCE. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect. 1, Lab 0, 1 credit. Review of early animal and poultry literature and current research methods. Extensive reading and oral reports required. Two semesters required.

APSC 0605. ANIMAL AND POULTRY LITERATURE REVIEW. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect 1, Lab 0, 1 credit. Research methods and critical review of current animal and poultry literature. Presentations on methods for conduct of literature reviews and computer information systems. Written reports required.

APSC 0630. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN ANIMAL SCIENCE. 1st and 2nd Semester. Summer. 1-3 credits. Special studies for graduate students in Animal and Poultry Sciences. A presentation of topics not in regularly offered courses. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.

APSC 0700. RESEARCH IN ANIMAL SCIENCE. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer 1-6 credits. Research in thesis project under direction of the major professor.

APSC 0752. CONTINUOUS REGISTRATION. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. 0 credits. Restricted to Graduate students who have taken all courses including APSC 700 and need to use the service and resources of the University to complete their theses or reading for graduate examinations. Students may have a maximum of two registrations only; afterward registration as a regular graduate student will be required until the degree requirements have been completed. Prerequisite: Permission of major advisor.

APSC 0754. CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE ONLY 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. 0 credits. Restricted to graduate students who have completed all requirements for graduate degree including final oral or comprehensive examination, submission of thesis and approval of the thesis by the Office of the Graduate Programs. Students will be permitted to register in the category one time only.