About Earth Week | URBAN

On behalf of Tuskegee University, the Carver Integrated Sustainability Center | Future Farmers and Agricultural Specialist are pleased to invite you to EARTH WEEK 2022 | Urban.

As communities, towns, cities and the world deals with the growing needs of a population living further and further from where their food is grown; more people have turned to Urban Agriculture to help fill their needs. The week of April 18th – 22nd, 2022 will be bursting with films, industry experts, faculty, and, staff that will educate, provide helpful information, and offers a deep look into how Urban Agriculture has helped plug in the void of local food. 

Join us during the week for Movie MondayTU TuesdayWorldwide WednesdayTech Thursday, and Forward Friday. 

Save The Date

Register for Earth Week URBAN Virtual Conference

Speakers Bios

2021 agenda
