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Applications for TEACHING ASSISTANTS (undergraduate and graduate students), MENTORS (high school, undergraduate, and graduate students) and PROGRAM INSTRUCTORS (middle and high school educators) for the 2024 Summer Program are now being accepted. All selected instructors and teaching assistants will be required to take part in the Verizon Innovative Learning STEM Achievers Program Teacher Workshop described below:

Verizon Innovative Learning STEM Achievers Program TEACHER WORKSHOP

The Verizon Innovative Learning STEM Achievers Program is happy to host a workshop that introduces Alabama teachers to the integration of 3D modeling/printing, coding, and augmented/virtual reality into the design and creation of a physical product as a part of the design thinking process for the K-12 classroom. Participants will be eligible to receive up to 2 continuing education units (CEUs).  This workshop is open to all interested educators; however, individuals interested in serving as an instructor for the Verizon Innovative Learning STEM Achievers Program (summer and/or academic year) are required to attend this workshop. The 2024 Verizon Innovative Learning STEM Achievers Program Teacher Workshop dates will soon be announced as well as the deadline for applications. For more information, please contact us at