Enhancing Citizens' Capacity to Transform Communities

The goal of this program area is to increase citizens' capacity to transform their communities. It includes sub-programs in small business development, county leadership development, community revitalization and resource development, personal finance management and asset-building, policy advocacy, education and research.

  • Leadership for Transforming the Community: The Participatory Approach

The participatory approach to leadership for transforming the community is based on the belief that when people are involved in the determination of the curriculum, based on their validated needs of their communities, they are more likely to be engaged in the overall training with greater benefits to themselves and the community. Moving into leadership positions requires special skills such as working with others; serving as a coach, mentor, motivator, and/or role model, hence the need for this leadership training.  

Goals and Objectives:

The goal of the course is to train grassroots and emerging community leaders to develop leadership skills that will enable them to transform the community.  The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To encourage rural residents to develop leadership skills as an initial step toward the development of their communities
  2. To demonstrate positive community impact and at the same time extend knowledge to other members of the community
  3. To improve and enhance citizens' personal skills
  4. To promote volunteerism in the community
  5. To build capacity for future community leaders


Henry J. Findlay, professor and leadership development specialist
Continuing Education and Cooperative Extension programs
1 Booker T. Washington Blvd.

Kellogg Conference Center

Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Telephone:  334-724-4316  Email: findlay@tuskegee.edu

  • Leadership Macon County:  A Value-Added Community Leadership Approach

This value-added leadership program consists of a nine-month curriculum operated through Leadership Macon County under the auspices of Tuskegee University Continuing Education and Cooperative Extension programs. Moving into leadership positions demands special skills such as working with others; serving as a coach, mentor, motivator, and/or role model; being able to make tough decisions and understanding how organizational politics work to achieve organizational effectiveness. Hence, there is need for this leadership training.

Goals and Objectives:

The goal is to train leaders in Macon County who are informed, motivated and ready to move the community forward. The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To identify, develop and enhance leadership skills of Macon County citizens
  2. To create high standards of personal integrity in community leaders
  3. To equip citizens with the requisite skills needed to move their community forward
  4. To Increase the number of prepared individuals to run for elected offices
  5. To increase the capacity of leaders to make more informed decisions
  6. To increase desire to foster community involvement
  7. To increase the ability to set and attain goals as demonstrated by significant career, personal or community achievement


Henry J. Findlay, professor and leadership development specialist
Continuing Education and Cooperative Extension programs
1 Booker T. Washington Blvd.

 Kellogg Conference Center

Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Telephone: 334- 724-4316
Email: findlay@tuskegee.edu

  • Summer Leadership Institute for High School Students

The institute is designed to give high school students an opportunity to learn first-hand about the importance of involvement in the community and the diverse needs in the community, while building effective leaders for the future.  During the institute, participants are involved in a variety of experiential learning activities and dialogue sessions including issues and concerns facing the community. Students explore the nature of leadership; determine their own leadership style; learn qualities of good leadership and team dynamics and their role within a team.  Additionally, they gain insight into the complex decision-making process that occurs within community and business leadership.

Goals and Objectives:

The goal of the leadership course is to train students to develop leadership skills through a one-week summer leadership institute. The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To identify emerging student leaders and assist them in developing their leadership skills
  2. To allow for opportunities to interact with community and business leaders
  3. To provide program content that introduces students to community needs, issues and resources
  4. To teach students the benefits of voluntary involvement in community service projects and engage them in making the community a better place to live
  5. To encourage students to take on the responsibility of being school leaders and to strive to make schools better environments for future students


Henry J. Findlay, professor and leadership development specialist
Continuing Education and Cooperative Extension programs
1 Booker T. Washington Blvd.

Kellogg Conference Center

Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Telephone: 334- 724-4316
Email: findlay@tuskegee.edu

  • Personal Finance Management

This program will provide basic financial education for low- to moderate-income individuals and families. The program is intended to provide low-to moderate-income households with the knowledge and resources needed to make sound financial decisions through publications, other teaching materials, workshops, class sessions and one-on-one counseling where needed. Participants in the program will be provided with knowledge and tools to enable them to develop personal spending plans or budgets, manage credit as well as basic checking and savings accounts, and meet their saving goals.

Goals and Objectives:

The overall goal is to provide basic financial education to low-income families and enable to learn financial management skills. The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. Train county agents as "trainers" to teach the FDIC Money Smart modules
  2. Provide easy-to-read materials on money management basics such as budgeting, saving and credit management
  3. Provide training workshops to teach participants basic personal finance management skills such as cutting down on spending, preparing and maintaining a spending plan (budgets), increasing savings, and managing credit
  4. Provide participants with information and contacts on various resources and agencies that can provide additional help when needed


Lila B Karki, PhD
Tuskegee University
College of Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Science
Cooperative Extension Program
1200 West Montgomery Road, 
(200 Mary Starke Harper Hall)
Tuskegee, AL 36088
T: 334-727-8860  
F: 334-724-4289          
E: lkarki@mytu.tuskegee.edu  
W: http://www.tuskegee.edu/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TuskegeeSMS