Integrated Natural Resources, Renewable Energy and Climate Change

The objectives of this program area are to address a variety of critical educational needs in the areas of natural resources, water quality, environmental education, the farm eco-system and climate change issues, as well as alternative energy education.

  • Assisting Limited Resource and Underserved Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners in Managing Their Land

The program will address issues such as those generated by the closed nature of the forest industry markets, the capital-intensive nature of managing forest, the length of time to receive a return on investments, the lack of knowledge in forest resources and timber management, marketing forest products, access to information and basic stewardship and land management principles.   

Goals and Objectives:

This goal is to provide stakeholders with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions in managing their forest resources. The specific objectives are to: 

  1. Educate landowners to understand the nature of forest product markets
  2. Educate landowners to recognize the diversity of market and management strategies and alternatives towards achieving the goal of increased profits and sustainability from their land
  3. Provide landowners with information on basic stewardship and land management principles

Ron Smith
Extension forester
Cooperative Extension Program
103 Morrison-Mayberry Hall
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Telephone:  334-724-4653 

Jerry Bettis
Forestry specialist
Cooperative Extension Program
103 Morrison-Mayberry Hall
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Telephone:  334-727-8821 