The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree program in Integrative Public Policy and Development (IPPD) is an interdisciplinary program that leverages faculty expertise, resources and academic strengths of the College of Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Sciences (CAENS) and the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). Through this program, Tuskegee University will address its mission of contributing to local, state, regional, national and global policymaking. This program’s proposes include Providing an innovative research and education environment that stimulates learning and scholarship in interdisciplinary domestic and international development policy; providing an innovate atmosphere for individuals to create, implement, analyze, and interpret public policy in both the domestic and international arenas; preparing workforce for leadership in academia, industry, government and community based organizations and engagement in analysis of current and past policies and the development of future public and international policies; and finally, to provide key data, analysis, and services to local, state, national and global communities that foster development in line with the vision of the program.The IPPD Program has three areas of specialization: (1) Agriculture and Resource which focuses on agriculture, the environment and natural resources, and related community and rural development issues; ((2) International Development Policy which will focus on international rural development in Africa, the African Diaspora and other areas of the Global South; and (3) History and Public Policy which focuses on the analysis of history and public policy from Black American perspectives, in such areas as education, agriculture, health, business, civil rights and military, especially as relates to Alabama, the South, and the United States.
Robert Zabawa, Ph.D.
Tel: 334-727-8114