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Department of Food & Nutritional Sciences

Degree Programs

The Department offers B.S. and M.S. degrees and is also part of the Integrative Biosciences (IBS) PhD program.

FNS students in FOSC 302 Lab performing texture & color analysis
Students in a lab class perform objective texture & color analyses of some fruits & vegetables

Undergraduate Program

The program offerings in the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences (FNS) consist of options in Food Science, Nutritional Science, Didactic Program in General Dietetics, Public Health Nutrition, Food Science/Biology, and Nutritional Science/Biology, each of which leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. These undergraduate curricula provide a broad general education, plus professional competency for positions in government and non-government agencies, research laboratories, universities and organizations dealing with health, nutrition, education and human needs.  The Food and Nutritional Science Advisory Board (FNSAB, a support arm for the department) composed of professionals in academia and the food industries, provides student internship opportunities at member companies, annual scholarships for academic achievers in financial need, and a well developed mentorship program.

B.S. Degree Options


Course Descriptions

Graduate Program

The Graduate Program offers M.S. degrees in Food and Nutritional Sciences (thesis and non-thesis) and is also part of the Integrative Biosciences PhD program.

M.S. Program

The Master’s of Science Degree programs in the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences offer opportunities for creative endeavors through basic and applied research.  This is best accompanied by a curriculum which is broad in scope and includes work in the areas of food safety, food product development, nutritional  biochemistry and community nutrition.  It is imperative that a prospective food scientist or human nutritionist has a B.S. degree in food science, nutrition, general dietetics, public health nutrition or related areas before applying for this program.  The department also offers a Master’s of Science in Food and Nutrition, non-thesis option; the program requires 30 course credits and successful passage of a comprehensive examination.  Read More  ...

PhD Program

 The Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences is part of the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Integrative Biosciences (IBS).
Integrative Biosciences.

Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, 204 Campbell Hall, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL 36088
Phone: 334-727-8162, E-mail: