
Norma Dawkins, Ph.D.,CFS
Professor and Chair, Department of Food & Nutritional Sciences
Email: ndawkins@.tuskegee.edu
Phone: 334-727-8028
- Wayne State University, Ph.D. Food Science &Nutrition
- Tuskegee University, M.S. Food Science & Nutrition
- Tuskegee University, B.S. Food Science
- Professor, Department of Food & Nutritional Sciences, Tuskegee University 2004- Present
- Senior Research Scientist, Slim Fast Food Company, Covington TN, 2000-2002
- Associate Professor, Department of Human Nutrition& Food, Southern University 1999-2000
- Assistant Professor, Department of Human Nutrition & Food, Southern University 1995-1999
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 1990-1994
- Research Associate, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, 1989-1990
- Parish Officer/Director, Rural Farm Family Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Jamaica W.I.
- Thomas, SH, Gipson N, VaughanJ, Omeler C, Dawkins NL, Bradford CN. The pathogenesis of xenobiotic-induced oxidative stress in cardiac microenvironment. Advances in Clinical Toxicology; https://medwinpublishers.com
- Dawkins NL, Carter VL, Findlay HJ and Howard B. 2016. Responses to Health Knowledge and Behavior Questionnaire: Implications for Nutrition Intervention. SM Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders. 2: 1012-1016.
- Carter VL, Dawkins NL.* Howard B, 2015. Weight and Blood pressure reduction among participants engaged in a cancer awareness and prevention program. Preventive Medicine Report 2: 858-861.
- Forrester IT, Mayaka P, Brown-Fraser S, Dawkins N, Rowel D, and Sitther V. 2016 Earthquake Disaster Resilience: A Framework for Sustainable Gardening in Haiti’s Vulnerable Population. Journal of Hunger and Environ, Nutri., p1-14;http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19320248.2016.1157549.
- Johnson M, Pace R, Dawkins NL, and Willian K, 2013. Diets containing traditional and novel green leafy vegetables improve liver fatty acid profiles of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal: Lipids in Health and Disease 12: 168.
- Johnson M, Pace R, Dawkins NL, and Willian K, 2013. Diets containing traditional and novel green leafy vegetables improve liver fatty acid profiles of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal: Lipids in Health and Disease 12: 168.
- Welch-White V, Dawkins N, Graham T, Pace R. 2013. The impact of high fat diets on physiological changes in euthyroid and thyroid altered rats. J. Lipids in Health and Disease Lpids in Health and Disease.2013, 12:100.
- Pace, RD, Dawkins, NL, and Johnson, M. 2012. Strategies for cardiovascular disease prevention in Rural Southern African American Communities, Public Health-Social and Behavioral health, Book Chapter 3. pp, 60- 82.
- Dawkins, NL, McMickens, T, Findlay, HJ and Pace RD. 2010. Community leaders’ know ledge and perception of obesity: Implications for outreach educators in designing interventions. J. of Extension 48 (5) 1-12.
- Bratcher, C, Dawkins, NL, Solaiman, S, Bartlette, JR and Kurt, D. 2010. "Texture and acceptability of goat meat frankfurters processed with three different sources of fat" Publication in the Journal of Animal Science Online publication December 23, 2010. J. Animal Sci 1910 doi 10.2527/jas2010-3398.
- Bovell-Benjamin, AC, Dawkins, NL, Pace, RD and Shikany, JM, 2010. Dietary consumption practices and cancer risk in African Americans in the rural south. J of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 21 (3) 57-75.
- Carter, VL, Dawkins, NL, and B. Howard. 2010. Healthy Lifestyle: A community-based cancer awareness and prevention intervention program. J of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 21: 107-118.
- Dawkins, NL, Ward, J, Pace, RD, and Shikany, 2009. Boost for Purslane: The results of a study examining the antioxidant potential and selective physiochemical properties of freeze-dried purslane and purslane-based formulated products. World of Food Ingred. Apr/May Issue: p 58-60.
- Bovell-Benjamin, AC, Dawkins, NL, Pace, RD and Shikany, JM. 2009. Use of focus groups to understand African-Americans' dietary practices: Implications for modifying a food frequency questionnaire. J. Prev. Med.48 (6) 549-554.
National Significance
- McMillian, K.W., M.E. Michel, O. Phelps, N.L. Dawkins, S. Gebrelul, K. Mellard, A. Howard and F. Pinkerton. Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program. Evaluation of live goat selection and goat meat classification systems. - USDA- Approval October 2001.
- Basic and applied research in the prevention and reduction of risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer and obesity.
- Utilization of non-traditional vegetable containing high levels of bioactive compounds in innovative product development.
Teaching Philosophy:
The concept of learning should be focused around four areas: independent thought process and critical thinking, problem solving skills, group interaction, and utilization of learned ideas. My primary role as a professor is to assist students to achieve their learning goals and to create for each student an environment that supports the concept of learning. I have three goals for students which are presented on the first day of class; 1) To learn how to think critically; 2) To understand the widespread applications of food and nutritional sciences; and 3) To truly enjoy learning. To further allow students to develop independent thought process and critical thinking skills, I strive to create an environment of inquiry, reflection and thoughtful communication in the classroom. This allows for the development of the individual’s creativity and the desire to ask and explore relevant questions. This means that I must always maintain a balance between sailing perilously through the deep blue sea of supplying students with too much information that overwhelms their creativity and wading through the shallow water of not providing enough foundation for their judgments to be properly formed.
- Commissioner, International Food Science Certification Commission (IFSCC), Institute of Food Technologists (2015-2018)
- Present Elect, IFSCC, 2016-2017; President, IFSCC, 2017-2018
- Treasurer, SEIFT, 2016- Present
- Outstanding Faculty Performance Award for Service, CAENS, Tuskegee University, 2019
- Outstanding Faculty Performance Award for Research, CAENS, Tuskegee University, 2008
- Graduate Achievement Award, Great Lakes Section, Institute of Food Technologists (1994)
- Thomas Rumble Graduate Fellowship, Wayne State University (1990-1991)
- Graduate Research Scholarship, Wayne State University (1991-1992)
- Gamma Sigma Delta- President Elect/President, 2009- 2010/2010-2011
- Sigma XI Scientific Research Society
- Phi Upsilon Omicron