The Alabama Consortium on Forestry Education and Research was established in 1992 to enhance the environmental, social, and economic benefits from the forest resources of Alabama through expanded education of undergraduate and graduate students, collaborative research programs, and technology transfer. The consortium is a collaborative effort of: (1) the three university forestry programs in the state of Alabama, Tuskegee University, Alabama A&M University, and Auburn University; (2) two branches of the USDA Forest Service, the Southern Research Station and the National Forests in Alabama; and (3) the state forestry agency, the Alabama Forestry Commission.
One of the primary goals of the consortium has been to establish a program of social and economic research on minority and limited resource landowners. Research focuses on three areas:
For more information on the Alabama Consortium for Forestry Education and Research, contact:
John Schelhas, Research Forester
Southern Research Station
USDA Forest Service
112 Campbell Hall
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Phone 334-727-8131
Available through USDA/Forest Service: General Technical Report SRS-49, “Activities of the Alabama Consortium on Forestry Education and Research 1993-1999.”