Dr. Herman L. Windham

Dr. Herman WindhamHerman L. Windham, Ph.D.  
Chairman and Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Tuskegee University College of Arts and Sciences
E-mail: hwindham@tuskegee.edu
Phone: 334-727-8556
Fax: 334-725-2348
Office Location: Kenney Hall, Suite 70-366


Biographical Sketch:

Herman Windham received his Ph.D. from Purdue University. His varied research interests include: exploring classical gemoemtric relationships, enhancing student preparation and learning, and exploring selected topics in number theory. In collaboration with the University of Alabama at Birmingham since Fall 1991, Windham has served as either Campus PI or Co-PI on National Science Foundation (NSF) funded programs such as: ALSAMP, AGEP, and BD.

Research Interests:

     Number Theory
     Learning Styles


     Dr. Louis Dale
     Department of Mathematics
     University of Alabama
     Birmingham, AL

     Dr. David C. McKay
     Department of Mathematics
     University of North Carolina
     Asheville, NC

     Dr. Carolyn H. Gathright
     Department of Curriculum and Instruction and
     Department of Mathematics
     Tuskegee University
     Tuskegee, AL


1. Carloyn Gathright and Herman Windham, "Prime Numbers Connected to the Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind." The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Sciences, Vol. 78. No. 2, April 2007.

2. Haghdad Memauri and Herman Windham, "On Asymptotes of the Graphs of Algebraic Functions." The Pentagon, Spring 1993, 39-50.

3. Chandra Misra, William L. Lester, and Herman Windham, "Relationship between the Scores on the First Test and the Final Course Grade." The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Sciences, Vol. 58, No. 2, April 1997.