PHYS 0110. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS & CHEMISTRY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3 credits. Concept of length, time, mass, graphs, vectors, one dimensional motion, Newton's Laws, energy, momentum, conversation of energy and momentum.
PHYS 0111 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS & CHEMISTRY. 1st and 2nd Semester. Lab and Recitation 3, 1 credit each semester. Laboratory experiences in physics and chemistry experiences in physics and chemistry illuminating the concepts and theories encountered in Physics 111. Open ended approach. Normally taken concurrently with PHYS 0111. Co-requisite: PHYS 0111.
PHYS 0113. INTRODUCTION TO EXPERIMENTS IN PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lab and Recitation 3, 1 credit each semester. Laboratory experiences in physics and chemistry illuminating the concepts and theories encountered in Physics 111. Pre-or Co-requisite: PHYS 0110.
PHYS 0114. INTRODUCTION TO EXPERIMENTS IN PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lab and Recitation 3, 1 credit each semester. Laboratory experiences in physics and chemistry illuminating the concepts and theories encountered in Physics 111. Pre-or Co-requisite: PHYS 0111.
PHYS 0201. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lect. 3, 3 credits. An elementary course in astronomy, physics and physical environment designed for the non-science majors.
PHYS 0210. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3, 3 credits. An elementary course in the two physical sciences: physics, chemistry. The aim of this course is to give an insight into the relevance of an activity-oriented approach to the investigation of our world and to emphasize the scientific method in study of natural phenomena.
PHYS 0211. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3, 3 credits. An elementary course in the two physical sciences: geology, astronomy and atmospheric science. The aim of this course is to give an insight into the relevance of an activity-oriented approach to the investigation of our world and to emphasize the scientific method in study of natural phenomena.
PHYS 0301. ELEMENTARY GENERAL PHYSICS. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lect. 3, 3 credits each semester. Basic concepts and theories of measurements, mechanics, properties of matter, heat, thermodynamics with applications in biological sciences. To be taken in sequence with Phys. 0302. Pre-or Co-requisite: MATH 0107.
PHYS 0302. ELEMENTARY GENERAL PHYSICS. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lect. 3, 3 credits each semester. Basic concepts and theories of sound, light, electricity and magnetism, optics, elements of electronics, atomic physics, applications of the concepts, theories, of physics as encountered in PHYS 0302.
PHYS 0303. INTRODUCTION TO LABORATORY WORK IN PHYSICS. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Laboratory work 2, 1 credit. Laboratory work illuminating the concepts, theories, applications of physics as encountered in PHYS 0301. Pre- or Co-requisites: PHYS 0301.
PHYS 0304. INTRODUCTION TO LABORATORY WORK 1N PHYSICS. 1st and 2nd Semester, Summer. Laboratory work 2, 1 credit. Laboratory work illuminating the concepts, theories, applications of physics s encountered in PHYS 0302. Pre- or Co-requisite: PHYS 0302.
PHYS 0305. APPLIED GENERAL PHYSICS. 1st Semesters. Lect. 3, 3 credits each semester. Basic concepts and measurements with emphasis on the applications in areas of mechanics, properties of matter, and heat. The courses are designed primarily for students enrolled in architecture and construction. To be taken in sequence with Phys. 0306. Prerequisites: MATH 0107 or equivalent.
PHYS 0306. APPLIED GENERAL PHYSICS. 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3, 3 credits each semester. Basic concepts and measurements with emphasis on the applications in areas of sound, light, electricity, magnetism, electronics and nuclear physics. The course is designed primarily for students enrolled in architecture and construction. To be taken after Phys. 0305. Prerequisites: MATH 0107, or equivalent.
PHYS 0307. APPLIED GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lab 2, 1 credit each semester. Laboratory work illustrating the concepts, theories and applications of physics covered in PHYS 0305. Pre- or Co-requisite: PHYS 0305.
PHYS 0308. APPLIED GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lab 2, 1 credit each semester. Laboratory work illustrating the concepts, theories and applications of physics covered in PHYS 0306. Pre- or Co-requisite: PHYS 0306.
PHYS 0310. GENERAL PHYSICS. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lect. 3, 3 credits each semester. A more comprehensive treatment than Physics 301 designed to meet the needs of physics majors as well as advanced students in chemistry, engineering and other areas. Kinematics, dynamics, and rotational motion are discussed in detail. To be taken in sequence with Phys. 0311. Pre-or Co-requisite: MATH 0207.
PHYS 0311. GENERAL PHYSICS. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lect. 3, 3 credits each semester. A more comprehensive treatment than Physics 302, designed to meet the needs of physics majors as well as advanced students in chemistry, engineering and other areas. Heat, thermodynamics, geometrical optics electricity, and magnetism are rigorously presented. To be taken after Phys. 0310. Prerequisite: PHYS 0310.
PHYS 0313. GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lab 2, 1 credit each semester. Laboratory work will consist of experiments on topics covered in PHYS 0310 with an analytical approach (both theoretical and experimental) emphasized. Normally taken concurrently with PHYS 0310. Pre- or Co-requisites: PHYS 0310.
PHYS 0314. GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY Lab 2, 1 credit each semester. Laboratory work will consist of experiments on topics covered in PHYS 0311 with an analytical approach (both theoretical and experimental) PHYS 0314. GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY. 1st and 2nd Semesters, emphasize Normally taken concurrently with PHYS 0311. Pre- or Co-requisites: PHYS 0311.
PHYS 0320. ANALYTICAL MECHANICS. Ist and 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Fundamental principles of Newtonian mechanics, brief introduction to Lagrange's and Hamilton's equations, rigid body dynamics. Prerequisites: PHYS 0311. Co-requisite: MATH 0307.
PHYS 0330. ELECTRONICS. 1st and 2nd Semester. Lect. 2, Lab 6, 4 credits. Direct and alternating cut, rent theory and measurements, introductory electronics, use and calibration of precision electrical instruments and electronic devices. Prerequisites: PHYS 0311.
PHYS 0402. MODERN PHYSICS. 1st and 2nd Semester, Summer. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Introduction to con. temporary theory of matter. Special theory of relativity, application of classical mechanics to atoms and molecules, and an introduction to the basic concepts of quantum mechanics. Prerequisites: PHYS 0311.
PHYS 0410. WAVE PHENOMENA. 1st Semester. Lect. 3,3 credits. Introduction to the study of vibrations and waves in general. Emphasis is placed on the quantitative aspects of vibrations confined to mechanical systems and the general development of the theory associated with electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites: PHYS 0311. Pre- or Co-requisite: MATH 0307.
PHYS 0411. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1st and 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Mathematical theory of electrostatics and magnetostatics/magnetism, electron theory, electromagnetic waves, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic fields, special relativity theory. Prerequisites: PHYS 0311 or special permission.
PHYS 0499. READING AND RESEARCH. 1st and 2nd Semester. 1-3 credits. Research and/or reading to be done by each student under the supervision of an instructor. Credits and work to be arranged to suit the interests of students and instructors.
PHYS 0502. MODERN PHYSICS LABORATORY I. 1st Semester. Lab 3, 1 credit. Selected experiments to acquaint physics majors with modem experimental techniques and physical concepts. Prerequisite: PHYS 0402.
PHYS 0503. MODERN PHYSICS LABORATORY II . 2nd Semester. Lab 3, 1 credit. Continuation of PHYS 0502. Prerequisite: PHYS 0502.
PHYS 0507. BIOPHYSICS. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, credits, Biophysics phenomena and processes; active, passive transport; diffusion, osmosis, membrane dynamics; elementary opto-electronic phenomena; instrumentation, thermodynamics, energetic; molecular spectroscopy; infrared, rotational vibrational, Raman; NMR, ESR, Prerequisite: PHYS 0302.
PHYS 0510. THERMODYNAMICS: 1st Semester. Lect 3, 3 credits. Thermodynamics and kinetic theory of gases, introduction to statistical mechanics, quantum distributions, transport equations. Prerequisite: PHYS 0311.
PHYS 0511. MODERN PHYSICS II. 2nd Semester. Lect 3, 3 credits. The basic postulates and introductory methods of quantum mechanics, classical statistical mechanics, and quantum statistical mechanics with applications in Solid State Physics are studied. Prerequisite: PHYS 0402, 0410.
PHYS 0512. HISTORY OF SCIENCE. 1st Semester, Lect.3, 3 credits. A study of historical development of basic ideas of science in its various disciples-physics, chemistry biology, astronomy, geology, medicine, and mathematics. The history of scientific ideas in relation to social and political backgrounds from which they came. Historic relations between science and philosophy, art and religion. The present status and future frontiers of science. Prerequisite: 1 year of Natural or Physical Science.
PHYS 0550. SOLID STATE ELECTRONICS AND PHYSICS. 1st Semester. Lect. 3,3 credits. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Quantization of semiconductor crystal vibrations - Phonons, Thermal Properties, Free Electron Fermi Gas, Electron energy bands, Phonon and electronic thermal conductivies in semiconducting electronic systems, and Superconductivity and its impact on electric devices. Prerequisites: PHYS 05511/0402 or consent of instructor.
PHYS 0551. SEMINAR 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. 1 credit each semester. Required of all physics majors. An individual research project (either experimental or theoretical) and literature search under the advisement of a physics faculty member, which culminates with the submission of a formal report and an open seminar presented to faculty and students.
PHYS 0552. SEMINAR. 1st and 2nd Semester, Summer. 1 credit each Semester Required of all physics majors. An individual research project (either experimental or theoretical) and literature search under the advisement of all physics faculty member, which culminates with the submission of a formal report and open a seminar presented to faculty and students. Restricted to only physics majors or consent of the instructor.