General Education Competencies and Student Learning Outcomes for Physics Classes

General Education Competencies (Competencies applicable to physics classes are in dark terra cotta)

1. Communication Skills: Mastery over language is a key component for success in both the academic and industrial world. Students will understand, analyze and interpret a variety of texts and visual communication; use various strategies to compose effective texts; adapt to different audiences and situations to express their ideas clearly.

2. Understanding and Appreciation of the Humanities, Creative Expression and Fine Arts: Personal growth and well-being of individuals are closely connected to their ability to understand human condition . Students will show an appreciation of art, music, theater, literature, and foreign languages that will enrich the lives of Tuskegee University students and will allow them to explore and analyze human conditions.

3. Historical, Political, Social and Cultural analysis and Understanding: To demonstrate a holistic approach to world views, students must have an understanding of diverse national and regional cultures and interests; they must understand the challenges and necessity of being able to communicate across these diverse cultures; they must understand the global forces that shape societies and nations and the relationships and interdependence between and among them; they must understand how their actions can affect other peoples and places.

They must also understand how history, culture, and society shape and inform the human condition in the successful pursuit of academic and occupational goals; understand how diverse cultures have interacted with, and continue to connect with, each other on a global scale; understand and navigate the conventions, knowledge formations, practices, and discursive norms of society, culture, and the academy in order to improve and analyze their own thinking, value diversity, and cultivate an open-minded approach to new ideas and social issues.

4. Mathematical and Qualitative Reasoning: A well-rounded education will ensure that the students are prepared to use basic mathematical reasoning and algebra to analyze and interpret real world problems and apply as required in real life situations. Students will demonstrate the ability to formulate an inquiry that is mathematical in nature, and then identify and follow an investigative process using empirical and/or quantitative reasoning to satisfy the inquiry.

5. Scientific Knowledge and Skills: Students will demonstrate the knowledge of fundamental scientific concepts and thS scientific Method and apply the basic principles of scientific inquiry.

6. Computational, Informational, and Technological Skills: Technological literacy is an important component for student success in the outside world. Students will discover how information technology assists individuals and organizations to work more efficiently, and how information technology influences society.

7. Critical Analysis/Thinking/Problem Solving Skills: Students will engage in creative and/or innovative thinking, inquiring analysis, evaluation, synthesis of information, organizing concepts, and constructing solutions.

Download the TU General Education Syllabus Template 

Student Learning Outcomes (Physics)

Goals/Objectives Assessment Used Assessment Outcomes/Results How Assessment Used to Improve

To develop basic scientific
education among science,
engineering and
non-science majors

Instructor's Assessments:
By Quizzes, Tests and Final Exam

Students' Assessments:
(i) By conducting surveys

The students did well in areas of
understanding equations
and derivations.

They failed miserably in problem

The instructor devoted more
time in the problem solving areas.

Not much is achieved as of now.

Recommendation is to add a
recitation class to Physics 300 Level
courses just for problem solving

To inculate aptitude for research
and related training among Physics
majors. To encourage faculty,
involving students, to write
sponsored research proposals.

Publications of research
findings in journals.

Presentations in conferences.

Sponsored research activities.

Only a few Physics majors
showed interest in pursuing

By motivating students to pursue

By incorporating research as part
of the course.

By encouraging faculty to write and
get funded proposals.

To inculcate the compassion for
other humans, and temperament
to provide service to the
educational and social

By talking to Physics majors,
particularly graduating seniors
and arranging polls expressing
their views on current science

Need better understanding of
national and international
science related issues.

Physics majors are required
to take Bioethics Course and
discuss amongst them the ethics
and science, e.g. nuclear issues,
in presence of a faculty member.