Wu, Fan, Ph.D.

Computer Science Department

Tuskegee University Office of Undergraduate Research (TUOUR)

Tuskegee University Center of Information Assurance Education (CIAE)
National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD)

Room 105 Andrew F. Brimmer Hall
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, AL 36088

Office: 334-727-8362
Fax:   334-724-4389
Email:  fwu@tuskegee.edu

Dr. Fan Wu was appointed department head of computer science and director of the Tuskegee University Office of Undergraduate Research (TUOUR).  The TUOUR coordinates a University-Wide Undergraduate Research activities from all disciplines in STEM and non-STEM related fields, supports undergraduate and faculty research. The TUOUR serves as a clearing house for faculty and students for summer research opportunities, internships and practicums to assist colleagues in achieving their outcomes for assisting students with summer research and internship opportunities.


  • Ph.D., Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA  2008
  • M.S., Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NJUPT), Nanjing, Jiangsu, China  2003
  • B.S., Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NJUPT), Nanjing, Jiangsu, China  2000 


  • Mobile Security, Information Assurance, Data Science, Mobile Graphics, Mobile Computing, Computer Graphics, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, High Performance Computing with GPGPU Technology, and Robotics


  • Head, Computer Sceience Department, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL                                                         
  • Professor, Computer Sceience Department, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL                                                 
  • Director, Center of Information Assurance Education (CIAE), Tuskegee, AL                                                          
  • Director, Tuskegee University Office of Undergraduate Research (TUOUR), Tuskegee, AL               
  • Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL.                               
  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL.                                
  • Research and Teaching Assistant, Computer Science Department, WPI, Worcester, MA                                   

GRANTS (Total Awarded Amount as PI/Co-PI: $21,536,047)

  1. TMCF/Lockheed STEM Grant: Increasing Student Talent Pipeline Using PREFICS Summer Program; Co-PI: Fan Wu, 01/2025, Amount: $100,000.
  2. USDA, Emergency Preparedness Plan for African Swine Fever (ASF) Prevention and Control in the Caribbean and South America Regions; Co-PI: Fan Wu, 2024-2025, Amount: $1,199,971.
  3. National Science Foundation (NSF): Informal Learning Approaches for Semiconductor and Microelectronics Education; 2024-2025, Amount: $241,456.
  4. National Science Foundation (NSF): Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Implementation: Medium: AI and Cybersecurity Education for Cyberinfrastructure: A Hands-on Approach; 2024-2028, Amount: $359,999.
  5. ASCEND/YALE: Security and Privacy in Machine Learning Systems; 2024-2025, Amount: $60,000.
  6. GTRI/DoD: Network Traffic Labeling for Cybersecurity; 2024-2025, Amount: $99,999.
  7. TMCF: Exploring the Influence of Healthy Food Access on Health Disparities: Employing Quantum Machine Learning for Insightful; 06/01/2024-09/30/2025, Amount: $25,000.
  8. Two Sigma: Two Sigma Undergraduate Scholarship, 2024; Amount: $15,000.
  9. Honda: Using PREFICS Summer Program to Enhance Computer Science Talent Pipeline, 2024; Amount: $100,000
  10. IBM: IBM-SPIE HBCU Faculty Accelerator Award in Quantum Optics and Photonics, 2023; Amount: $99,999.
  11. Chevron: Chevron Scholars Leadership Academy, 2023; Amount: $24,000.
  12. National Science Foundation (NSF): HBCU-UP Targeted Infusion Project: Infusing deep learning into the undergraduate computer science and engineering curricula; 2023-2026, Amount: $399,997.
  13. National Science Foundation (NSF): Collaborative Research: CyberCorps Scholarship for Service (Renewal): Strengthening the National Cybersecurity Workforce with Integrated Learning of AI/ML and Cybersecurity; 2023-2028, Amount: $2,568,522.(Program Website)
  14. National Science Foundation (NSF): TU Cyber Bridge- A Bridge Program to the Master’s Degree in Information System and Computer Security (ISCS) at Tuskegee University; 2023-2025, Amount: $294,989.
  15. National Science Foundation (NSF): Collaborative Research: CUE-T: A Partnership to Scale Inclusive, Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Data Science Curricula in Computing and Social Science; 2023-2026, Amount: $646,682.
  16. Department of Defense – Air Force Research Laboratory (DOD-AFRL): Cyber Institutes Research; 2023-2025, Amount: $374,998.
  17. MICROSOFT: Dynamic Cloud Resource Management for Cloud-Based Cyber-Physical Systems (CBCPS) with Reinforcement Learning (RL)., 2023, Amount: $100,000.
  18. MICROSOFT: TU - Microsoft Scholarships, Educational Infrastructure Support, and Research Supports for Computer Science Department at Tuskegee University, 2023, Amount: $142,000.
  19. National Science Foundation (NSF): S-STEM: Improving Minority Student Retention Rate and Success in Computer Science; 2022-2028, Amount: $1,499,963.
  20. Google: TensorFlow HBCU Outreach Award, 2022; Amount: $10,000.
  21. Lockheed Martin: Using PREFICS Summer Program to Enhance Computer Science Talent Pipeline; 2022, Amount: $50,000.
  22. IBM: Quantum Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection using Qiskit; 2022-2023, Amount: $149,997.
  23. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Cooperative Institute for Research to Operation in Hydrology (CIRO); 2022-2025, Amount: $729,545.
  24. National Science Foundation (NSF): Collaborative Research: SaTC: EDU: Collaborative: ALAMOSE: Authentic Learning Modules for DevOps Security Education; 2022-2025, Amount: $119,996.(Program Website)
  25. National Science Foundation (NSF)/Whatcom Community College: JROTC Cyber Academy Pilot Program 2022; 2022, Amount: $171,091.
  26. GTRI/DoD: Interpreting and Evaluating Radar Signal Processing Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) Models using Data Analysis and Test and Evaluation (T&E) Techniques; 2022, Amount: $49,994.
  27. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Cooperative Institute for Research to Operation in Hydrology (CIRO), 2022-2027; Amount: $2,499,985..
  28. INTEL: Education Development with College of Business and Information Science at Tuskegee University, 2021-2022; Amount: $200,000.
  29. Chevron: Chevron Scholars Leadership Academy, 2022; Amount: $24,000.
  30. Google: TensorFlow HBCU Outreach Award, 2021; Amount: $10,000.
  31. P & G: P & G Higher Education Grant Program, 2020; Amount: $11,000.
  32. National Science Foundation (NSF): Collaborative Research: CISE-MSI: RCBP-RF: SaTC: Building Research Capacity in AI Based Anomaly Detection in Cybersecurity; 2022-2023; Amount: $200,000.
  33. National Science Foundation (NSF): Collaborative Research: SaTC: EDU: Authentic Learning of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity with Portable Hands-on Labware; 2021-2024; Amount: $119,982. (Program Website)
  34. National Science Foundation (NSF): IUSE: Collaborative Research: A Data-Driven Employer-Academia Partnership for Continual Computing Curricular Change;2021-2024; Amount: $225,000. (Program Website)
  35. National Science Foundation (NSF): Partnership to Provide Technology and Cyber-security Experiences to Alabama Black Belt through Mobile Application Development;2021-2025; Amount: $999,995. (Program Website)
  36. National Institute of Health (NIH)/NCI: Small Business Technology Transfer grant (STTR) R41 CA257110-01: Developing a RPN13 inhibitor for the treatment of Quadruple Negative Breast Cancer; 2021-2022; Amount: $253,516.
  37. National Institute of Health (NIH): TU CBR/RCMI Grant: Racial disparities in COVID‐19 Deaths in Alabama Blackbelt Region; 2021-2022; Amount: $50,000.
  38. INTEL: Intel-Tuskegee Partnership Program. 2021-2022; Amount: $112,500.
  39. MICROSOFT: TU - Microsoft Scholarships and Educational Infrastructure Support, 2020, Amount: $200,000.
  40. National Science Foundation (NSF)/UA: EPSCoR: IGM: A Platform for Harnessing Big Hydrological Datasets for Integrated Groundwater Management, 2020-2024; Amount: $399,986. (Program Website)
  41. INTEL: Deep learning model optimization and inference using the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit with Tensorflow, 2020-2021; Amount: $25,000.
  42. INTEL: Intel-Tuskegee Scholar Program: Intel Scholarships, 2017-2021; Amount: $600,000.
  43. Department of Defense (DOD)/UAH: Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) Critical Technology Studies Program; 2018-2021; Amount: $118,725.
  44. National Institute of Health (NIH): TU CBR/RCMI Grant: Minimizing Health Disparity Using Demographics, Gaming and Machine Learning in the Alabama Black Belt Region; 2018-2021; Amount: $94,340.
  45. National Security Agency (NSA): NCAE-C Cyber Curriculum and Research 2020 Program - Part 2. A Machine Learning Framework for Intrusion Detection based on System Events; 2020-2022; Amount: $ 297,766.
  46. National Science Foundation (NSF): Spokes: MEDIUM: SOUTH: Collaborative: Integrating Biological Big Data Research into Student Training and Education; 2018-2021; Amount: $ 149,996.
  47. National Science Foundation (NSF): Scholarship for Service Program (SFS): Collaborative Research: Broadening Secure Mobile Software Development (SMSD) Through Curriculum and Faculty Development; 2017-2021; Amount: $ 179,987. (Old Program Website) (New Program Website)
  48. National Science Foundation (NSF): CyberCorp: Scholarship for Service (SFS)-Scholarship Program, Collaborative Research: Strengthening the National Cyber Security Workforce; 2017-2022; Amount: $1,776,056. (Program Website)
  49. National Science Foundation (NSF): ITEST Strategies: The Tuskegee Partnership to Provide Technology Experiences through Aerial Drones in High Schools of the Alabama Black Belt; 2016-2020, Amount: $1,192,593. (Program Website)
  50. Rockwell Collins, Inc.: Facilitating Undergraduate Research at Tuskegee University; 2016, Amount: $5,000.
  51. National Science Foundation (NSF): Strategies: The Eyes Say it All: Using web page design and eye-tracking technology to learn STEM concepts, research skills, and human factors; 2013-2018, Amount: $457,120.
  52. National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarship for Service Program (SFS): Collaborative Research: Capacity Building through Curriculum and Faculty Development on Mobile Security; 2012-2016; Amount: $99,162.
  53. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Scientific Leadership Awards: Portable Smart Platforms for Detection of Biological Pathogens and Chemicals; 2012-2018; Amount: $1,229,130.
  54. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science and Technology Institute (NSTI) Research Clusters: Analog Synthesis of Mixed-Signal Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) for the Application of Flight Electronics in NASA; 2011-2014; Amount: $300,000.
  55. Department of Defense (DoD): Systems Engineering using Secure Open Source Technology; 2011-2012; Amount: $39,295.
  56. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Change Your World Grant Program: Mobile Computer Graphics and Gaming Development; 2009; Amount: $7,700.


  1. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu, Clifford Lindsay and Chung-han Chen, UbiWave: A Novel Energy-Efficient End-to-End Solution for Mobile 3D Graphics., Handheld Computing for Mobile Commerce: Applications, Concepts and Technologies, February, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-1615207619.


  1. Fan Wu, Dwayne Clarke, Jian Jiang, Adontavius Turner, Asif Baba, and Sherman Buford, Efficiency in Motion: the New Era of E-Tickets, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2016.
  2. Hira Narang, Fan Wu, and Abisoye Ogunniyan, Numerical Solutions of Heat and Mass Transfer with the First Kind Boundary and Initial Conditions in Capillary Porous Cylinder Using Programmable Graphics Hardware, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2016.
  3. Fan Wu, Dwayne Clarke, Jian Jiang, Asif Baba, and Sherman Buford, The Digital Age of Campus Maps on Mobile Devices, the Journal of Computer and Communications, Volume.4, No.7, May 2016.
  4. Asif Iqbal Baba, Fan Wu, Energy-Accuracy Trade-off in Wireless Sensor Network Localization, International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR), Feb 2016, Vol 6(4), pp. 1-18.
  5. Yonggao Yang, Fan Wu, and Yuan Liu, Design and Implementation of a Remote Resident Power Monitor and Control System, IEEE Potentials, Vol.: 34, No.: 4, July/August, 2015.
  6. Fan Wu, Hira Narang, and Dwayne Clarke, An Overview of Mobile Malware and Solutions, the Journal of Computer and Communications, Volume 2, No. 12, October, 2014.
  7. Fan Wu, Hira Narang, and Miguel Cabral, Design and Implementation of an Interpreter using Software Engineering Concepts, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) Volume 5 Issue 7, July, 2014.
  8. Fan Wu, Johnathan Williams, Design and Implementation of a Multi-Sensor Based Object Detecting and Removing Autonomous Robot Exploration System, the Journal of Computer and Communications, Volume 2, No. 7, May, 2014.
  9. Leo T. Upchurch, and Fan Wu, Characterizing Professors and Courses Based on Student Perceptions, the proceeding of the 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston, MA, August, 2014.
  10. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu, Clifford Lindsay and Chung-han Chen, Imperceptible Simplification on Mobile Displays, International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, 1st issue, January, 2012.
  11. Hira Narang, Fan Wu and Aswad Shakur, Numerical Solutions of Heat and Mass Transfer with the Second Kind Boundary and Initial Conditions in Capillary Porous Media Using Programmable Graphics Hardware, The 2012 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'12), Las Vegas, NV, July 16-19, 2012.
  12. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu, Clifford Lindsay and Chung-han Chen, On Balancing Energy Consumption, Rendering Speed, and Image Quality on Mobile Devices., International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, 3rd issue, July, 2010.
  13. Fan Wu, Chuang-han Chen and Hira Narang, An Efficient Acceleration of Symmetric Key Cryptography Using General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit, The Fourth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE 2010), Venice, Italy. July 2010.
  14. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu, Clifford Lindsay and Chung-han Chen, Unequal Error Protection (UEP) for Wavelet-Based Wireless 3D Mesh Transmission, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA09), Cambridge, MA. July 2009.
  15. Chung-Han Chen, Saritha Akavaram, Hira Narang and Fan Wu, Yield and Reliability Enhancement for VLSI Design, The International Conference on Computer Design (CDES'09), Las Vegas, NV. July 2009.
  16. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu and Clifford Lindsay, Adaptive CPU Scheduling to Conserve Energy in Real-Time Mobile Graphics Applications, ISVC 2008, Las Vegas, NV. December 2008.
  17. Clifford Lindsay, Emmanuel Agu and Fan Wu, Dynamic Correction of Color Appearance on Mobile Devices, Graphics Interface 2008, Windsor, ontario, Canada. May 2008.
  18. Fan Wu, Demo: Video Transcoding on Graphics Processing Units. Workshop on General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units. Boston, MA. October, 2007.
  19. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu and Clifford Lindsay, Pareto-Based Perceptual Metric for Imperceptible Simplification on Mobile Displays, Eurographics 2007 , Prague, Czech Republic . September 2007.
  20. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu and Clifford Lindsay, Pareto-Based Perceptual Metric for Imperceptible Simplification on Mobile Displays. Technical Report WPI-CS-TR-07-01, Computer Science Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, May 2007.
  21. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu and Matthew Ward, Multiresolution Graphics on Ubiquitous Displays using Wavelets, International Journal of Virtual Reality, Volume 5, Number 3, September, 2006.
  22. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu and Matthew Ward, UbiWave: Ubiquitous Multiresolution Graphics using Wavelets, In Proc. Of 16th International Conference Artificial Reality and Telexistence(ICAT'06), Hangzhou, China, November 2006. Best Paper Award.
  23. Kutty Banerjee, Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu, Estimating Mobile Memory Requirements and Rendering Time for Remote Execution of the Graphics Pipeline, in Proc. of Eurographics 2005, Dublin, Ireland. August 2005.
  24. Fan Wu, Ruchuan Wang and liyang Yang, The Design and Implementation of VPN security gateway based on packed filter, China Data Communications. 2002. Vol. 4 No. 10.
  25. Ming Xu, Shaodi Wang and Fan Wu, The study of the wireless accessing platform based on CDMA, Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. 2002 Vol.22 No.4.
  26. Fan Wu and Shaodi Wang, The Design and Implementation of a Microprocessor Model, Annual Conference on National new computer science and technology and computer continuing education, China. Dec, 2001
  27. Fan Wu and Emmanuel Agu, Unequal Error Protection for Wavelet-Based Wireless Mesh Transmission, SIGGRAPH 2006, Boston, MA, USA, July 2006.
  28. Fan Wu, Emmanuel Agu and Matthew O. Ward, Wavelet-Based Multiresolution for Mobile Graphics. Poster Symposium Presenting Graduate Research (Grad. 2006), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, March 2006. Second Place.


Fall 2017

  • CSIT 200. Introduction to Information Technology
  • CSCI 436. Mobile Seicurity
  • CSCI 490. Introduction to Robotics
  • ISSM 536. Mobile Security (Graduate Course)

Spring 2017

  • CSCI 100. Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSIT 200. Introduction to Information Technology
  • CSCI 436. Mobile Seicurity
  • ISSM 536. Mobile Security (Graduate Course)

Fall 2016

  • CSCI 100. Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSIT 245. Introduction to Application Development Tools
  • CSCI 490. Introduction to Robotics
  • ISSM 536. Mobile Security

Spring 2016

  • CSCI 100. Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSIT 200. Introduction to Information Technology
  • CSIT 265. Web Systems Design

Fall 2015

  • CSCI 100. Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSIT 245. Introduction to Application Development Tools
  • CSCI 490. Introduction to Robotics

Spring 2015

  • CSCI 100. Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSIT 200. Introduction to Information Technology

Fall 2014

  • CSCI 100. Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSIT 200. Introduction to Information Technology
  • CSIT 245. Introduction to Application Development Tools
  • CSCI 490. Introduction to Robotics

Spring 2014

  • CSCI 100. Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSCI 436. Mobile Security

Fall 2013

  • CSCI 100. Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSIT 200. Introduction to Information Technology
  • CSIT 245. Introduction to Application Development Tools

Spring 2013

  • CSCI 100. Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSCI 150. Introduction to Computer Science
  • CSCI 436. Mobile Security

Fall 2012

  • CSCI 100.   Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSCI 210.   Programming I
  • CSIT 200.   Introduction to Information Technology

Spring 2012

  • CSCI 100.   Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSCI 150.   Introduction to Computer Science
  • CSIC 490.   Introduction to Robotics 
  • CSCI 499D.Object-Oriented Programming with Java  

Fall 2011

  • CSCI 100.   Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSCI 210.   Programming I
  • CSCI 463.   Introduction to Computer Gaming Technology

Spring 2011

  • CSCI 100.   Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSCI 490.   Introduction to Robotics
  • CSCI 499D.Object-Oriented Programming with Java 

Fall 2010 

  • CSCI 100.   Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications 

Spring 2010

  • CSCI 100.   Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSCI 463.   Introduction to Computer Gaming Technology

Fall 2009 

  • CSCI 100.   Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications
  • CSCI 490.   Introduction to Robotics 

Spring 2009  

  • CSCI 100.   Introduction to Computer Concepts and Applications 

Teaching Assistant, Computer Science Department, WPI                         2003 - 2008

  • Undergraduate Courses
    • CS 1005. Introduction to Programming in C (A term 2003)
    • CS 1101. Introduction to Program Design (A term 2006, A term 2007, C term 2007)
    • CS 2005. Data Structures and Programming Techniques (B term 2003, D term 2003)
    • CS 2011. Introduction To Machine Organization and Assembly Language (D term 2004)
    • CS 2022/MA 2201. Discrete Mathematics (B term 2004, A term 2005, D term 2005, D term 2006, D term 2007)
    • CS 3431. Database Systems (C term 2003)
    • CS 4514. Computer Networks (C term 2004, C term 2005, C term 2006)
    • CS 4731. Computer Graphics (A term 2004, B term 2005, B term 2006, B term 2007)
    • CS 4120. Analysis of Algorithms (A term 2008)
    • CS 2118. Object-Oriented Design Concepts for Business Applications (B term 2008)
  • Graduate Course 
    • CS 543. Computer Graphics (Fall 2005, Fall 2007)


  • Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Mobile Devices, Wearable Technology, and Flexible Electronics (IJMDWTFE)
  • Chair of Academic Personnel Services Committee of Faculty Senate at Tuskegee University
  • Tuskegee University Faculty Senator
  • Faculty Research Committee member of the College of Business and Information Science (CBIS) at Tuskegee University
  • Faculty Award Committee member of the College of Business and Information Science (CBIS) at Tuskegee University
  • Member of Editorial Review Board: International Journal of Handheld Computing Research(IJHCR).
  • Members of Research Committee and Award Committee in school.
  • Invited Session Speaker: Robotic education and Computer graphics and visualization. The workshop on integrating computing into student learning and research. Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, May, 2009.


  • ACM Member.


  • Faculty Achievement Award, Tuskegee University, 2018-2019 Academic Year
  • Outstanding Faculty Performance Award for Research, CBIS, Tuskegee University, 2017-2018 Academic Year
  • Outstanding Faculty Performance Award for Research, CBIS, Tuskegee University, 2016-2017 Academic Year
  • Outstanding Faculty Performance Award for Research, CBIS, Tuskegee University, 2013-2014 Academic Year
  • Outstanding Faculty Performance Award for Teaching, CBIS, Tuskegee University, 2012-2013 Academic Year
  • Outstanding Faculty Performance Award for Service, CBIS, Tuskegee University, 2011-2012 Academic Year
  • Outstanding Faculty Performance Award for Research, CBIS, Tuskegee University, 2010-2011 Academic Year
  • 2nd Prize in Poster Symposium Presenting Graduate Research, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2006
  • Excellent Graduate Scholarship of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecom, 2002
  • 2nd Prize in Competition of Innovative Technology of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecom, 2002
  • Fujist Scholarship by Fujist Co. Ltd. China, 1999
  • Eastcom Scholarship by Eastcom Co. Ltd.China, 1998
  • 3rd Prize of Chinese National College Phisics Competition, 1997
  • 3rd Prize of Chinese National Chemistry Olympic Competition, 1996
  • 1st Prize (Ranked Top 1) in Jiangxi Province of Chinese National Chemistry Olympic Competition, 1995
  • 1st Prize in Jiangxi Province of Chinese National Physics Olympic Competition, 1995
  • 1st Prize in Jiangxi Province of Chinese National Biology Olympic Competition, 1994