Chemical Engineering Software

Aspen Plus by AspenTech

Aspen Plus is the leading process simulation software in the chemical industry. Faculty and Students are covered by the license and this software is needed to complete assignments for some Chemical Engineering courses such as CENG 0470, CENG 0490, etc.

MATLAB  by MathWorks

Tuskegee University offers a campus-wide license to MATLAB, Simulink, and companion toolboxes.  Faculty, Staff, and Students are covered by the campus-wide license and can install software on their home or laptop computers. These products are needed to complete assignments for some Chemical Engineering courses. License installation can take three different forms: 

  1. Individual- Users install the software on their own computers.There is not a limit to the number of installations (office, home, laptop,…) but the software is only for use by CURRENT Tuskegee University faculty, staff, and students.

  2. Concurrent- This installation is for networked computer labs (like the CENG lab in LHFH530) that access a server.It is managed by IT.

  3. Campus- This installation is for standalone computers that will be used by multiple people. Examples include the computers in the CENG Process Control Lab. IT can perform this installation by individual request.

Need help getting started with MATLAB?  Check out Online Training Courses to learn MATLAB in just 2 hours.

Ask and Answer.  Check out MATLAB Answers to get the best answers to your questions about using MATLAB & Simulink. 

Tap MATLAB Examples to find code and learn about software capabilities through real examples.

During individual installation, Chemical engineering students should select MATLAB, SIMULINK, and the following class related toolboxes (Check back for updates):

  1. CENG 360   Optimization Toolbox

  2. CENG 430   TBA

  3. TBA

To install MATLAB or add toolboxes on your personal computer, Click on the LINK:  MathWorks TAH MATLAB Portal

OR  Detailed Instructions for Individual license installation can be found HERE 

MATLAB files for CENG 440:   click here