The Tuskegee University Student Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers promotes the professional development of
it’s members by its programs and by its relations with other student chapters and with the parent body, the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers, and contributes to the development at Tuskegee University through activities involving the faculty and student
2024-2025 Officers
President: Madison Simmons
Vice President: Aaron (Keith) McClain III
Treasurer: Amber Chambers
Secretary: Javares Anthony
Senator: Kearsten Edwards
Events Coordinator: Divinity Hoskins
Membership Chair: Imani Abdullah
Outreach Chair: Christian Davis
Webmaster: Charity Coleman
PURPOSE: To give recognition and to promote high scholarship, original investigation, and professional service in chemical
ELIGIBILITY: Active membership is limited to chemical engineering juniors, seniors, and graduate students. Juniors must have
completed three hours of chemical engineering course work and be in the upper one-fourth of their class. Seniors
must be in the upper one-third of their class. Graduate students must have completed nine hours of chemical
engineering courses. All those elected must have traits and characteristics of leadership that make them likely to
succeed as professional engineers. Associate membership consists of professors or other members of the staff of the
institution who have shown noteworthy achievement in chemical engineering.
2024-2025 Officers
President: Nyla Metcalf
Vice President: Divinity Hoskins
Secretary: Madison Simmons
Treasurer: Ahkil Nalls
Historian: Daniel Antoine
Events Coordinator: Kyra Anderson