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The mission of the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is to provide an environment that promotes and nurtures independent and self-directed Learning, Teaching, Research and Service in veterinary medicine and related disciplines. The College of Veterinary Medicine Information Technology (CVM IT) Group is committed to providing Technology Equipment, Hardware and Software Services, technical support, and training.
The mission of the College of Veterinary Medicine Information Technology (IT) Group is to facilitate and make available an appropriate information technology environment that provides to each student, faculty member, staff member, and visitor the information technology access, resources, and support that the College has established as necessary to meet the Tuskegee University Information Technology mission. The computing environment as a must is managed in such a way that assures high levels of reliability and usefulness in a cost-effective manner as much as possible. While providing open access to information, the group must maintain suitable protection of personal and other confidential information.
The College of Veterinary Medicine IT group in conjunction with the Tuskegee University IT department provides leadership to assist policy- and priority-making groups in the decision-making process of identification, and planning, and recommends possible strategies in information technology matters. The group is mandated to provide as must information about new opportunities and changes that arise in technology from commercial vendors and other sources to individuals and groups throughout the College, while also seeking to mitigate the adverse impact of too rapid technological changes. The group must constantly be aware of changing information technological needs throughout the College, adapting the information environment as necessary to meet new priorities. The safety of people installing, maintaining, and using technology is a high priority and the group is committed to providing continuous improvement in service
The College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Information Technology (IT) group provides and caters to the computing needs of the educational community, both academic and administrative. The systems and machines used to this end must be protected from misuse and unauthorized access. The computer resources are provided primarily for use by faculty, staff, and students and they are intended to be solely used for administrative and educational purposes to carry out legitimate CVM business.
Access to network resources is a privilege. It requires individual computer users to act responsibly, conserve computer resources, and consider the rights and privacy of others. These network resources are the property of Tuskegee University and the use of any computing resource constitutes acceptance of this policy.
Contact Us
Director of Educational Technology & I/T Support (334) 727-8490 dsears@tuskegee.edu |
![]() Desktop Support Technician (334) 727-8941 lfleming@tuskegee.edu |
1. Reading another user’s files (protected or not)
2. Deliberate, unauthorized attempts to access or use CVM computers, systems, or data Theft.
3. Deliberate, unauthorized use of another user’s account or files.
4. Abusing specific resources.
5. Removing any equipment (hardware, software, data) without authorization.
6. Copying or attempting to copy data or software (protected or unprotected) without proper authorization.
7. Harassment. Sending abusive or obscene messages via computers.
8. Using computer accounts for work not authorized for that account
9. Installing abusive or obscene software or files.
10. Unauthorized attempts to replace computer or printer components.
11. Unauthorized attempts to repair or tamper with computers or printers.
1. Users are to have valid, authorized accounts and may only use their accounts in accordance with their authorized purpose. Users should not let another person use their accounts.
2. A user may not change, copy, delete, read, or otherwise access files or software without the explicit permission of the owner.
3. A user may neither prevent others from accessing the system nor unreasonably slow down the system by deliberately running wasteful jobs or programs, sending mass mailings, or chain letters.
4. Users should assume that the software they did not create is copyrighted. They may neither distribute copyrighted or proprietary material without the written consent of the copyright holder nor violate copyright or patent laws concerning computer systems (hardware/software)
In buying new computer equipment in the CVM, direct your Computer Equipment Procurement Requests to Damien Sears at sears@tuskegee.edu (334) 727-8490. He will then discuss with the individual making the request, the type of computer such as HP, Dell, or Apple that they want. The Request will then be sent to Tuskegee University IT Department for them to source the computer equipment that is cost-effective for the user. After that, they will obtain a quotation for that particular order. The quotation will then be given to the requester for requisition processing.
Damien Sears
Director, Office of Information Technology - TUCVM
Phone: (334) 727-8490
Sunday Adalumo
Phone: 334-703-2954
The first thing to do. When you are having a problem with your computer or peripheral device is:
Click the following link to download the form “Computer Service Request Form" and then fill out the form
and fax it to the following fax number (334) 724-4672
These Forms also are made available to each Department.