The Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer of the university and reports directly to the President of Tuskegee University. This individual has oversight of all the academic colleges and schools, graduate studies, the library, distance education, research and sponsored programs, and the chapel.
Mailing Address: Main Number: |
Academic Appeals
According to the Academic Regulations and Procedures for Undergraduates Handbook, students may appeal academic decisions. The handbook states that "if the student or the person(s) concerned is dissatisfied with the decision of the instructor's College Dean, he/she may appeal to the Provost. The person appealing to the Provost must show justification and documentation for the appeal to be heard. If this is done, the Provost will review all information and evidence, and if he/she wishes, refer the matter to a Committee for further investigation and recommended actions." The committee that the Provost will refer the matter to is an ad hoc academic appeals committee.
Semester Dean's Lists:
Fall 2023 | |||
CAENS Dean's List | CAS Dean's List | CBIS Dean's List | COE Dean's List |
CVM Dean's List | SOE Dean's List | SONAH Dean's List | TSACS Dean's List |
Spring 2023 | |||
CAENS Dean's List | CAS Dean's List | CBIS Dean's List | COE Dean's List |
CVM Dean's List | SOE Dean's List | SONAH Dean's List | TSACS Dean's List |
* Colleges/Schools Abbreviations: CAENS - College of Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Sciences |
DR. THIERNO THIAM ___________________________ |
DR. FAYE HALL JACKSON (334) 727-8432 ___________________________ |
CHRISTINE BERRY ___________________________ |
DONNA WASHINGTON ___________________________ |
DR. ALBERT RUSSELL (334) 727-8164 |
Strategic Planning Initiative
This group of staff and faculty are dedicated towards the implementation and deployment of the TU Strategic Plan 2021-2026 for the university, and elevating the statue and reputation of Tuskegee University via its national ranking, student experience, research standing, learning innovation, and community partnerships.
Booker T. Washington Leadership Institute (BTWLI)
The primary aim of the BTWLI is the professional development of individuals who inspire, motivate, and challenge students and others to grow to their fullest potential by preparing them to assume professional and leadership roles, and to become productive citizens in the global society. The BTWLI is committed to facilitating growth and development of individuals through empowerment and inclusion, which will promote a sense of ownership to and alignment of the objectives and goals of smaller units and the larger organization that is Tuskegee University.
Tuskegee University Mentoring Internally Next Talent (TU-MINT)
The purpose of this initiative is to identify current faculty or staff who have the potential to advance in leadership at Tuskegee University. Once these future leaders are identified, they will engage in various professional development activities to realize their potential. These activities may include being placed in interim leadership roles to facilitate professional development by addressing real challenges.
The Council of Deans
The Council of Deans is a standing committee that includes all the Deans of Colleges and Schools at Tuskegee University. This committee meets regularly with the President and the Provost to discuss issues that affect the academic units. This committee provides feedback on how to both improve academic functions and support university efforts to improve processes affecting faculty and students. Additionally, this committee interviews candidates for the position of Dean.
The Council of Department Heads
The Council of Department Heads is a standing committee that includes all of the department heads at Tuskegee University. This committee meets regularly with the Provost to discuss issues that affect the administration of degree programs at Tuskegee University.
The Graduate Council
The purpose of the Graduate Council is to govern all areas of Graduate Studies and Research which includes, but is not limited to, the graduate faculty and awarding of graduate degrees. The Graduate Council is comprised of representatives from the graduate faculty. The graduate faculty is a group of faculty members who have been identified as possessing the credentials to supervise graduate degrees awarded at Tuskegee University. New faculty members are considered by Deans and recommended to the graduate faculty. Select members of the graduate faculty are recommended by the Dean of a College/School and approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research to serve on the Graduate Council. The Graduate Council typically includes 1 to 2 faculty members from each College/School.
The Office of the Provost Search Committee
The Office of the Provost Search Committee is a standing committee that includes one faculty representative from each of the seven schools/colleges and several ex-officio members. The purpose of the committee is to evaluate applications and make recommendations for hiring academic deans and other critical academic administrators.